Disaster-Proof Your Data!
Rubiconn’s primary data center is Hurricane Electric in Northern California. Hurricane Electric is the largest IPv6 backbone in the world as measured by number of networks connected.
- 24/7/365 conditioned and back-up power
- Connected to 52 major exchange points
- Resilient and fiber-optic topology
In addition to our Northern California data center, Rubiconn also has a second data center in Reno at SwitchNap, the world’s largest and most powerful data center and technology ecosystem.
- Worlds most efficient, high-density, ultra-scale data center
- Largest, most advanced data center campus on the planet
- 100% renewable energy used to power the facilities
If you’re interested in having your data backed up at a second geographically separate site, give us a call. We want you to sleep well knowing your data is secure and disaster-proof. Reno has never been safer.